The perfect solution for <300m duplex open communication for up to 4 people

Target use: On board Yacht communication (Skipper and crew) / Coach-trainee communication / Solo Phone communication+ music system

Technology: Bluetooth High Res duplex communication with noise cancelling

Benefits: Light and small multi-user communication system with phone bluetooth communication at reasonnable price

How to use?: Press on the side button:
you can use it one to one, as open duplex talk communication within maxi 800 meters open field.
You can answer a phone call (your phone being in a waterproof case sync by bluetooth)
You can listen to music via your phone
With a master unit, you can link up to 6 BBT systems to set up a network within a perimiter of 70 meters , but in this case, you cannot be sync to your phone.

Typical Application:
Over 30′ yacht communication for crew (mast climbing, anchoring, Skipper to n°1 in Regatta …)
Kite surfing coach to trainee for Kite launching and starting phase close to shore
Kite/windsurf/sailing boat teams willing to be in contact to receive instruction or exchange information
Kite/windsurf enthusiast willing to stay in contact with shore/familly/friends via waterproof mobile phone

Price: Helmet+ Communication system <300€ TTC per unit
Accessories: Wipper BBT helmet / Pro Wip BBT Helmet / BBT Hat / BBT coach Headset (none waterproof)

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